Smile Gallery
Smile Makeover
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This is one of the most rewarding cases that we have treated in our office. This patient was in extreme danger of losing all of his teeth, which would have required a full upper and lower full denture. He had a severely deep overbite, extensive decay, and many missing and broken teeth. A phased treatment plan was established to restore his remaining teeth back to as close to normal as possible. The remaining upper teeth were saved with complex bridgework using precision attachments to retain a custom precision upper partial. Due to financial constraints, we restored his missing lower teeth with a transitional partial that will eventually be replaced with a precision partial. He now has the confidence to lead a normal life and not worry what people may think of him by his previous smile.
This is a wonderful patient with a very challenging dental situation! We were able to keep all of her upper teeth except one and stabilize them with a combination of fixed bridgework and a precision removable partial denture. She is very pleased with the cosmetic and functional result that we achieved in restoring her upper teeth.
This patient was content with her smile for over forty years. We presented her with esthetic treatment options for space closure with our vision of cosmetic treatment that was available to her. She was very appreciative and thankful for the initiative we took to identify and explain what could be done. She later stated that she was too embarrassed about her smile to ask about esthetic treatment. We placed six all-ceramic crowns on the upper front teeth and whitened her lower teeth creating a beautiful and natural restoration!
Over the years this patient has had several different crowns placed on his two front teeth prior to coming to our office. He had never been happy with the result. The grey lines near the gum line, open spaces and opaque-look of his old crowns caused this patient to be self-conscious about his smile. We whitened his natural teeth to improve their color and placed four all-ceramic crowns to create teeth with natural shape and size with no spacing.
At fifty years old this patient finally decided to do something about the space between his front teeth that has bothered him for years. In two visits we made porcelain veneers for his two upper front teeth to correct the alignment and close the space. He really had something to smile about at his class reunion!
This patient was referred to our office for a second opinion. She was very unhappy with his missing lateral incisors from birth. She completed orthodontics and was a candidate for implants, but financially wanted another option. Her two front teeth were very natural looking and structurally healthy. She desired an alternative to implants to replace her missing lateral incisors. We discussed the extensive wear pattern on her two eye teeth (cuspids), need for length, contour and general shade. We utilized the latest metal–free computer designed cantilever bridge frameworks for his case. We designed a two unit bridge off of her cuspids on both sides. We whitened her upper and lower teeth to improve the shade foundation for the new esthetic all-ceramic bridges. We took extensive digital photographs for custom shading to match perfectly to her natural teeth. The esthetic all porcelain bridgework looks wonderful.